Pilates for Dummies

Michelle Dozois
Year Released: 2001

Categories: Pilates/Core Strength

When I first started learning Pilates, I used two workouts (this one and Ana Caban’s Beginner Mat workout). It was good to have two workouts because two different instructors give two different explanations and you can glean different pieces of information and deeper understanding from them.

I liked this workout because clearly and effectively explains how to do the moves. There are modifications suggested on multiples moves. Sometimes, they seemed to come late in the cycle for that exercise (one of the Dummies-type commentaries). It did get easier to remember as time went on. There were moves I just did not “get” from Beginning Mat Workout that Michelle explained in a way that clicked. For example, her explanation on The Hundred just clicked with me and I felt like I “got” how to do it better. The Dummies standard add-ons (explanations, fitness myths, etc.) didn’t bother me, but they could be and/or become grating for some.

The entire video is Michelle explaining the moves alone. There are no background exercisers. It would have been nice to have a modifier with her, but that is why I so enjoyed using two videos to learn Pilates. There is no music.

I had the DVD and it was also nice to have the additional intermediate level workout. After awhile, I alternated between the two workouts. I didn’t use this video for more than a few months before I tired of it. But, it gave me a great start in Pilates. I probably should have kept it to do periodically for a refresher in the basics.

Instructor Comments:
She is VERY clear in her explanations and directions. This slows the workout way down, but is great for beginners.

Laura S.
