Being In Yoga

Darryl Dewald
Year Released: 2005

Categories: Yoga

Being In Yoga is a 90 minute intermediate level yoga practice, shot in Kahala, HI. It's one on one with Darryl using voice over. The dvd is chaptered as follows:

Opening relaxation: 4 minutes

Supine cobler pose using a strap & bolster. Set on a rocky ledge with the water splashing near by, this pose relaxes you and prepares you for the vinyasa sequence.

Vinyasa: 26 minutes

A centering meditation in easy pose begins the sequence. After the meditation, gentle twists warm the spine. Boat pose is next, working the core (knees and legs up variations shown). Cobbler pose stretches your inner thighs then you'll move into staff pose. This pose lengthens lower back & stretches the hamstrings. Assume all 4's position on hands and knees for the next pose which is the cat/cow. Darryl does this in a flow then moves into down dog. Here he alternates stretching one foot, then the other, then rises high onto his toes before descending the heels. Raise one leg behind you, bring it forward into a lunge, then prepare to twist. (lunging twist) Step back into plank, lower down, rise to low cobra, exhale & move back to down dog. Repeat other leg. Warrior 1 on each side is next in this vinyasa flow followed by extended side angle pose. Warrior 2 flows from there, as well as triangle pose. Single arm balance will really tone your arms. Repeat 2nd side. Rest in child's pose. Come to down dog, moving through the heels & rising onto toes to help lengthen your pose. Bring right leg up, bend knee, then bring it forward into Warrior 1. Plank, chaturanga, up dog, down dog. Repeat vinyasa left side. Flow into boat pose to stretch your spine. You'll repeat bow pose then relax into child's pose. Down dog into crow pose, an arm balancing pose. (tough!) Back into vinyasa flow then do crow pose again. Half king pigeon pose is next. This is a very deep stretch shown with 3 variations of difficulty. Repeat with other leg. Child's pose ends this segment.

Inversions: 15 minutes

Using support, such as a wall (Darryl uses a tree), you'll run through several inversion poses. He begins with a couple standing stretches then put hands on wall for a down dog modification. Forearm balance is next (doing same position only leaning onto forearms). Move knees to floor, go into down dog on floor, then kick up into hand stand with heels up the wall. Lower into child's pose. Perform another round. Turn with back to wall and walk feet up the wall. (these poses will also really work your upper body muscles) Rest in child's pose. Forearm balance on floor, then kick legs to wall as in handstand pose but now your on your forearms. Again, rest in child's pose. Freestanding, meaning using no support, handstand is shown. Darryl shows different exits out of the pose as a safety net. Headstand with no support is next.

Standing Asanas: 9 minutes

Mountain pose, then step wide into triangle pose. Half moon is next. Half standing boat then prepare for other side. Face front of mat, exhale fold forward, then come back up and prepare for tree. Following tree is dancers pose. Bring right knee to chest, grab big toe then extend leg to that side and gaze opposite way. Then bring leg forward, release toe and hold leg isometrically before doing left side.

Seated Asanas: 14 minutes

Beginning in staff pose, welcome your breath. Do a forward fold using your breath as a guide. Reverse table is shown as an easier alternative to reverse plank. Next is a tough core move called "uplifted staff" pose. Repeat this sequence again. Head to knee pose is next followed by twisting side angle pose. Repeat stretching other side. Another round of uplifted staff pose is next followed by butterfly pose. This will open hips and inner thighs. Spinal twists with different variations are shown next. Pigeon pose, cradling your leg, opens the outer hip area. Repeat twists/pigeon other side.

Finishing Asanas: 15 minutes

Begin in down dog then prepare for camel pose. Supine hero pose into 1/2 plank removes the kinks from the prior posture. Core strengthening is next. On your back you'll perform crunches, reverse crunches, twisting crunches and toe touches to work your abdominals. A nice side stretch into bridge is next. Upward facing bow pose, shoulder stand (with twisting variations) and fish pose complete the sequence.

Savasana: 7 minutes


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