Crunch Joy of Yoga

Sara Ivanhoe
Year Released: 1998

Categories: Yoga

This should be called "frustration of yoga."
It has several positive reviews, but Nicollette's short negative review encapsulated my feelings perfectly. I'm a beginner to yoga but not to exercise--I'm an intermediate exerciser about 14 pounds above my ideal weight--and I found this tape extremely frustrating. Way too much time spent in downward dog, which hurt, and there were other poses that hurt too and the beginner modification did not lessen that pain. Sara moves from move to move too fast for a beginner to keep up and I didn't find her cueing good--every time I looked up at the TV she was doing something different than I thought she would be doing based on her verbal cues, even the third time I tried the tape. My husband tried this with me and he was like, isn't yoga supposed to be relaxing? We're getting rid of it.

Fortunately, I've become a real fan of Yogazone's videos--the 50 minutes ones in the beginner box set are great--no pain here! When I have less time, I'm also enjoying the short 20 minute workouts in the ultimate 6-DVD set, which is pretty cheap at They make great add-ons. If you're any kind of beginner to yoga, I recommend these over "Joy of Yoga."

