Crunch Joy of Yoga

Sara Ivanhoe
Year Released: 1998

Categories: Yoga

I like this tape as a relatively brief, not overly strenuous but still reasonably good yoga tape. It isn't too intimidating like some of the tapes I have seen (Total Yoga comes to mind)and I think a person who is new to yoga could really get a lot out of it. For me, this tape is a good "I have no time or little energy but I really want to do something" tape. It's also a nice post-workout tape to follow a cardio or strength workout (I just skip the stretch on the previous workout).

As with all yoga tapes, I wouldn't recommend this to a person who has *never* done yoga before, because I think it doesn't offer the form pointers that a beginner requires, but for someone who has taken a few classes, I think this is just fine.

Renee Drellishak
