Crunch: Master Class Sculpt

Nancy Popp
Year Released: 1997

Categories: Total Body Workouts

This is probably a typical Crunch video and a lot like the TV show. In other words, lots of whooping. It gets a little annoying. The class participants are all very fit. Nancy Popp start the video with a short warm-up, then leg and butt exercises doing squats, side leg lifts, and leg lifts to the back. The variety of exercises is nice. There is then a section of leg exercises done lying on the floor. I do these with an ankle weight to make it more challenging. Then there is the upper body section, with exercises such as lateral raises, bicep curls, hammer curls, rows, and tricep kick-backs. This is followed by exercises done lying on the back for the chest. There is a variety of exercises which hit all the muscle groups. The exercises are done in fairly quick combinations, which makes it difficult to switch weights. I think this made the video a little less challenging for me, because I couldn't switch to a heavier weight for some of the exercises. This is followed by a fairly long ab section which is very challenging. It almost seems a little too challenging in comparison with the rest of the tape. Then there is a short cool-down. I don't do this tape very often, because it just doesn't seem that effective to me. But the variety of exercises is nice, and it works the entire body. It would probably be good for a beginner/low intermediate.

Instructor Comments:
Nancy is motivating because she seems like she is having fun. She gives good pointers on form. She is a little too "whoopy" and giggly for my tastes. It seems that the video is trying very hard to be hip and trendy.

Cathy Mark
