CIA 9002: All Star Step

Sharon Money-Twombly, Michele Hanlon, Sue Neese
Year Released: 1996

Categories: Step Aerobics

Barbara McDermott's sprint step workout has very intense sections and some double time tricky moves that really get your heartrate up. She does about six sprints and uses the same routine sandwiched in between as a rest period. I didn't want to think too much after all that jumping, so the same routine over and over was okay. I thought her cueing was okay and like all other step workouts (exception: Patrick's 9001 - but that's another story), it can be mastered after 2-3 times. She had some kind of contraption on her left leg which was a little distracting. Great music on this section - same as Jennifer Mill's hi/lo in 8003.

Maria Lantran, a regular in Cathe Friedrich's workouts, had very poor cueing and I found the segment hard to follow. It looked like a lot of fun, with great music, lots of turns, pivots, etc. I didn't care for the weight interval training section with weights. I tried with 6 lb. dumbbells and it was causing me to lose my balance and good form. I think she is using 2-3 lb. weights. I rather do weight work after my cardio work. I don't know if I will try this workout again.

Sharon Twomby, who is wearing the weirdest, most unattractive outfit on video (in my opinion), surprised me with an extremely high impact workout that was a little hard to grasp the first time, but I know I can master this routine after 2-3 times. It starts out with a bang - going across the top of the step numerous times. Your heartrate will stay up the whole 30 minutes on this tape. The moves are easy to learn, she even does a move similar to Cathe's repeater shuffle. She repeats the first section a few times but when she finishes the super second section, she doesn't go all the way to the top of entire workout, which is great. The second section is really intense, never ending high impact moves (just as intense as Cathe) - she does tons of squats, over the tops, moves off and around the step, and a lunge move where you do not touch the floor with your foot (very hard, you need to really balance yourself). She does a 7 minute ab routine that was pretty intense. I agree with the other reviewers who said that Barbara's and Sharon's routines are the best of the video and would make a great combination for a super workout.

maryann parker
