
Kari Anderson
Year Released: 1991

Categories: Step Aerobics

Although this video is a good workout, it's not Kari's best. Not too much of what I like about her personality comes through in this tape--she just seems more serious. The tape is dated 1991, when there still weren't too many advanced tapes out there and when some of her power moves and turns around and over the step were pretty unusual, and I think she spends a little too much time teaching them for my taste.

The end of the aerobics segment uses the Dynaband to combine some toning with simple choreography while keeping the heart rate up. It's interesting, but those who are used to lifting heavy weights won't get much benefit from it. Kari also uses the Dynaband for resistance during parts of the short ab section. The cool down is funky, relaxing and fun.

