CIA 2401: Cardio Crazy

Gay Gasper
Year Released: 2004

Categories: Circuit Training (cardio and weights) , Floor Aerobics/Hi-Lo/Dance , Step Aerobics

I still can’t decide whether I like this or not. The format is step, toning with tubes, and high/low. There are 3 segments of each. The toning is boring. It consists of compound moves using tubing, and I don’t like either. The step is okay. The high/low is rather boring as well – the choreography is basic and repeated way too many times. The step choreography is basic and athletic, too, but I found it more interesting, or maybe it wasn’t TIFTed quite as much. The overall intensity is good – intermediate to low-advanced, and the music is okay. I might do the step portions on a short day or combine them with another workout, but I really don’t know if this is going to be a long-term keeper. I like Gay a lot, but I found this workout bland.

Annie S.
