CIA 2201: Strength Express

Mindy Mylrea
Year Released: 2002

Categories: Balance/Medicine/Mini/Stability Ball, Gliding Disks, Total Body Workouts

Workout Type: AWT ( weight training done simultanous with cardio training) and CIrcuit (weight training alternating with cardio.

Fitness Level: Beginners may want to take it easy, and slow the moves down. Intermediate and Advanced will definitely be challenged.

Equipment needed: 3 and 6lb medicine ball... (will make it more fun); Body Bar ; two paper plates.

Workout Length: Warm up and AWT - 20min. Body Bar Circuit and AWT - 12.30 min. Floorwork and Corework - 20.30 min. Cooldown and Stretch - 4min. Total - 57min.

Effectiveness: If you want a cardio weights workout combined, this workout has intervals and AWT and will get your Heart Rate up and keep it up... IF you can handle it?

Music: Dynamix - the usual CIA, nothing out of the ordinary, but a good beat for those who love a beat!

Presentation: I cannot imagine someone becomming bored since her energy just flows out at you. She is a dynamic instructor. and you are too busy attempting to follow the moves.

The Set: The most finished look on a CIA set so far, not overly busy, but fully decorated. ... The Burgundy washed walls in the background, have blue trim. There are corners that are set up with pictures, tables and chairs.. the chairs against the side wall are small living-room type chairs. If you like those colors and I do! this is a beautiful set. (IMO!)

Attire: Black pants and black tops

Cast: Mindy, Carmen, and Jeff

Warmup: (5 min.) She eases you into the cardio work with a 3lb Medicine ball. it quickly becomes intense and you wonder if this is a warmup or the real thing.
She stretches then skips from side to side stretching out the ball in her hands.(several times)
Later holding the ball as you would a bowling ball moves it forward and back. (several times)
then double hand reaches down almost to ground then up to ceiling. (several times)
twists trunk from side to side. (s.x.)
then reaches ball one side up and opposite side down to ground. in angles.(s.x.)
then stretches trunk around in big circle with ball, up side down other side.. (s.x..)
then holds the ball to one side while holding one foot is off the ground (s.x.)
One side leading then other side leading...
Walk it out.

Workout begins: at 5 min. Picks up a 6lb medicine ball.
Skips from side to side while throwing ball up and down slightly
combines with a forward, then side, then rear lunge alternates leading legs.
then quick side to side steps.
at 8.30 min. begins squats.
alternating leg lifts with a squat in between, calls it "Sumo-Squat"
at 10 min. front leg lifts.
walk in place...
at 11 min. "Donkey Kong Walk"
double leg jumps back 4 x then squat walks forward - 12 sets.
at 13 min. - puts ball between legs at knee level and double leg hops side to side - 32 reps
takes a break
then does 32 reps again. (feels like jumping squats)
12 bicep curls with Bar.
then lunges front and rear with same leg.
then alternating lunge hops
repeat other leg.
20 squats while throwing ball up.
then 40 alternating knee lifts (or 20 per leg.)

at 20 min. Body Bar
12 bent rows (goes right into it)
5 lift one leg straight back and bend the front leg while alternating with Bent rows.
Military Press 20x while straightening and bending one leg out and in. (promotes balance)
then other leg leading.
at 24 min. get a paper plate
with Bar on shoulders you put a foot on the plate and stretch the leg out to the side(lunge position) while bending the oposite knee.
(this can be done on a smooth floor but the plate makes the foot slide out easier) (very easy to go too far - be careful!)
6 slow 12 fast then slide foot behind you into lunge position. 6 slow then 12 fast .
then make large circle lunges with the same leg a few times clockwise and then counter-clockwise. other leg.
then alternating ham lifts (kick your buttox with your feet)
Bicep curls - 8 reps then (a la Cathe crazy 8's) then lift from down position to middle a few times then lower from lifted position to middle. and then full lifts.
Deadlifts - 16 reps then
8x = one deadlift then up to one frontal lift...
16 squats.
at 32.30 Floorwork Pushups - one hand on floor other on ball while in lifted position hold foot up behind then to side then behind ... other leg then pushups again with ball ... (straight or bent knee) Ball between knees lifts one arm to ceiling behind her then the other then does pushup with each hand on a paper plate... slides out forward to down position. 16x then spreads arms wide to sides and back in .. 16 x repeats both paper plate moves. Bridgework while holding ball between knees. Supine chest press - Bench press the ball (optional -throw it in the air) in halfway up seated position (pilates like) twist trunk side to side with ball in hands. Intensifier -> holding legs off the floor then puts one ball under knee above the other and alternates. then torso twist - put ball behind you on one side, pick it up on the other side. then full situps... reaching to knees with ball On back - with ball between knees - lift legs upward then take knees to one side then other almost to floor. stabilisers again. at 53 min. - downward facing dog to upward dog then to low pushup 5x then stretches at 57 min. - End

Total Rating - Although the name of the tape is misleading... you think it is a pure weights tape...
that does not take away from the fact that this is an intense tough workout... I enjoyed it...
(even if I couldn't do everything) but there is always more challenge.. It's not for everyone...
but it IS for me! so I give it a 9 1/2 out of a possible 10 points. (due to the name)


Instructor Comments:
Instruction: The cueing is ok...? She does not demonstrate the moves before doing them, she tells you what to do and you sort of begin together. I rewound a couple of times, but familiarity with the tape will make you be able to follow it.
You may want to watch it once through.

