Fluidity Real Class I

Michelle Austin
Year Released: 2009

Categories: Ballet/Barre

Casswoman posted an excellent breakdown of this workout, so I'll just be giving my overall thoughts. First, a little about me. I am a 20 year old male who enjoys using barre workouts as means of cross-training with my other strength workouts. The Firm and Tracie Long are my mainstays, and I've just started dabbling into Cathe Friedrich's workouts. My favorite barre workouts are Bar Method, Physique 57, Ballet Physique, and Core Fusion.

This workout is more challenging than the original three Fluidity workouts, and is also longer. I like how the workout emphasizes the glutes, hamstrings, and posterior chain overall. The upper body work is also different from other barre workouts, with pullups (using the barre), pushups, tricep dips, and arm work with resistance bands. While pushups and dips are common in other barre workouts, the band work and pullups are not. I also enjoyed the flat back exercises, which I can only do on beginner level. Hopefully, I'll be able to do them like Erika soon. (She's advanced alright...) The stretches are also wonderful, and well timed just when you can't do any more repetitions. Modifications as well as intensifications are also shown, which I enjoyed seeing.

What I don't like:
-The music. It is very drab and uninspiring. While it's less annoying than the repetitive track on loop (in the original workouts), it doesn't get me going in any way. I played my own music, which helped some, but still made the workout drag on. Some long setups (most notably during the stationary lunge pulses) also factor into this.
-Lack of chaptering.
-Improper warmup. Just a few stretches and toe taps are performed. I prefer the original Lotte Berk sequencing of warmup with upper body, thighs, glutes, abdominals, and final stretch.
-Michelle's quirks. While Michelle gives excellent form and alignment cues, her love of the phrase "pubis bone", constant praising of Erika being advanced (what about Laura, the beginner?), and counting of most of the reps could grate on others nerves. Personally, her mannerisms didn't annoy me here.

Overall, this is a very challenging barre workout. I recommend it to intermediate and advanced barre enthusiasts who have a Fluidity bar (or are willing to modify without). I've done all three Real Class workouts, and while they will never be staples in my rotation, I like having them in my collection for variety.

Instructor Comments:
Michelle gives excellent form and alignment cues, but has some mannerisms are slightly annoying. She has a tendency to say "pubis bone" (when referring to the pelvis), constantly praise Erika for being advanced (this is the antithesis to the post-BBH Firms "Beginners follow _____"), and counting most of the reps. They aren't really dealbreakers per se, but may annoy others.

Garrie A
