Weight Loss Cardio Sculpt

Violet Zaki
Year Released: 2008

Categories: Circuit Training (cardio and weights)

I picked up this video at the Half-Price bookstore and let it sit around on the shelf for ages. When I finally chose it, I discovered a gem for those "I don't feel like working out" days. Zaki and her appealing accent (NZ? Brit?) has an encouraging and sympathetic tone that invites me right in. The previous reviewer captures the details. I usually choose one 34-minute workout, and I always end up dripping. You get out of it what you put into it. Best of all, she ends with a lovely yoga-inspired stretch that I sometimes use with other workouts, or all by itself.

Instructor Comments:
I might look for other Violet Zaki workouts--but this one is perfect for what it is, and I can do it over and over without getting tired of it.

Barb Loots
