Skogg System Flow

Michael Skogg
Year Released: 2011

Categories: Kettlebell

This is the 4th DVD in the SKOGG Kettlebell System. It is supposed to be the most difficult. This is similar to the Ladder DVD in that you work through all the exercises in a row. Where this differs, is you do 1 rep of each exercise with your left hand, switch hands and reverse the order of the exercises.

I found this to be an enjoyable routine. I found this to be as enjoyable as I did the Ladder routine. I like that you work all the exercises on one side. I felt that while it works that side much harder, it also gives you a chance to have a short break on that side while you do the other side.

I have only completed level 1 of this routine. But I enjoyed it enough that I took a short break to bring my heart rate back down and ran through it again.

In level 1, you work up to 3 reps of each exercise before working back down to 1 rep. In level 2 you work up to 4 reps. Level 3 has 5 reps and finally level 4 works up to 6 reps.

As with the Ladder routine, I used my lighter kettlebell since I had not been through this routine before. I think I could have used the heavier kettlebell.

My complaint with this routine is the same as with Ladder. When they start working back down to 1 rep, their speed increases. This made it more difficult for me to keep in time with Michael. But as with Ladder, he does say that this is a "do it at your own pace" workout.

Each exercise sets up the next exercise. So when on the left, your clean sets up your squat and on the right the clean & press sets up the squat. But when they were going faster, I found myself dropping the kettlebell back down in preparation to rack for the squat. But in this routine, you go directly into the squat while racked from the previous exercise.

They didn't do another cool down for this routine, just put a copy of the roots cool down on this disk. I feel that is the best cool down routine in the set, so I don't mind that. But I think they should have re-shot the cool down if they were going to label it as the flow cool down.

Overall I feel this is a great routine. I really feel that I got a full body workout on this one. I'm not really following the Skogg schedule, so this will be the main workout that I do in this set.

Instructor Comments:
Michael does a good job adding some helpful suggestions for most of the exercises. As with Ladder, there are no slow motion demonstrations of the exercises.

