CIA 2102 Power Bar Training

Alison Boyd, Shannon Salisbury
Year Released: 2001

Categories: Total Body Workouts

I have waited to write a review on this workout because it really took me several times through it before I decided that I liked it, hehe. But now that I have figured out what size weights work for me, I love it more and more. The set is the red Oriental background. The red tops the cast is wearing sort of blend into the background, but it's nothing that bothers me.

The workouts starts out with a warmup using the bodybar. I have to confess; sometimes I use a warmup from another video, because this one is just so, well, long. The first segment is squats with Shannon. I did an audible gasp the first time I previewed this segment because her form is awful. She is almost doing good mornings, literally bending in half during the squat. I know the proper form for squats, so I just ignore her and Alison. I use my 18 lb bar for this segment because a heavier barbell really hurt my shoulders (this segment is long). My favorite part is the inner thigh work. While in plie position, you lift your heel off the floor and continue with the squat motion. I swear I feel this the next day every time I do it. Yowsa!

Next is back work with Alison. I have to be careful with this segment because I have a sway back and it tends to move a bit too fast for me. Lots of deadlifts with rows. You'll feel it.

The next segment is chest. Shannon uses various grips on the bar for the chest press work (done on an incline on your step). The first grip is a very wide grip (think goal post), the next is a bit closer, and the last grip is very close, almost a tricep grip. I stick with the first two hand positions, because the tricep work just feels "weird". She ends the segment with flies - I am fried at this point. Yowsa again.

Moving on to lunges with Alison. I love this segment! The lunges are done onto your step in various tempos. I use my 25 lb barbell, again because my shoulders get sore. If you really concentrate on the lunge movement and pushing off with your heel, I promise you will feel this the next day.

The last few segments are small muscle groups; shoulders, biceps and triceps. The shoulder segment is killer. Shannon does a lot of overhead press work, using various speeds, etc. The next exercise is a slow lateral raise to the side, then two counts forward (think front raise position) and then down. OMG. The bicep work is hard just because my shoulders are fried!

The workout ends with some unique ab work. One of the exercises requires you to roll forward while holding onto your barbell. This felt awkward to me, so I just picked up my ab roller and did the reps with my impulse New Year's purchase, hehe.

All in all, this is a great workout. I only have two complaints. (1) It is a tad bit too long. I find that by the time I get to the ab work I want it to be over. (2) The music. Why was the music loud on all the other new CIA's except for this one? I really wish the music were loud, because it would change the whole feel of the workout. But it's still a great endurance workout that I will enjoy rotating with some of my body bar workouts. Final verdit: A Keeper!!

Instructor Comments:
I really like Shannon and Alison and they work well as a team.

Suzanne M.
