BodyFit 360

Michelle Dozois
Year Released: 2013

Categories: Athletic Stretch , Pilates/Core Strength , Yoga

This is a very different fusion workout, that blends dance, pilates, body weight training, and yoga in a fun and unique way. I will just post my overall impressions, as it has been broken down very well. Most videos that try to do a fusion of this type do not get me sweating, so I never know where to put it in my rotation, unless it’s during a rest or rehab day. However, I am very glad that with this workout, I can use it as a cardio day, because I really worked up a sweat! I also felt stretched afterward. The choreography is fast and nonstop, which contributed to the high sweat factor. Although I’m not one to view a workout before jumping right in, I highly recommend that one do so for this workout. I previewed the difficult moves, but wished I had previewed the entire thing, so I knew how fast it was going to be. I did go at my own pace so may have been a rep or two behind Michelle and Co., but I still got a great sweat.

While this workout has many pluses (the music and moves being the biggest ones in my opinion) I have to co-sign on many of the same issues that Laura S. had with this workout. The modifier does not modify much, either for intensity, impact, or for those with joint issues (wrists, low back). There is no chaptering. Additionally, while Michelle did tell you which moves were coming up and how to do the move, she didn’t really say sometimes HOW to get into the move. For some moves, it would have been really helpful to remind people to tuck the pelvis or engage the core to avoid having lower back pain, or relax the neck and jaw to avoid having your neck tighten up later. Thankfully, I knew to do this, but for those starting out to exercise or new to this style of fusion, good luck on them!

What I Liked
The music was fantastic! There was lots of hip circles, rib cage slides, and general moves that really let you stretch your body and feel loose. Very liberating. I also liked the few balance challenges and ab work sprinkled throughout.

What I Didn’t Like
The moves were a touch too fast. Just this side of bordering on frantic, especially for certain moves where you have to twist your body from standing to the floor, with one leg in the air. IF you are not engaging your core, you could hurt something. Also, I did not care for the ab work at the end. I wish we could have done more cardio that incorporated ab work, rather than getting on the floor to do ab work.

What You Should Be Aware Of
Those with wrists or lower back issues, pay attention to your body. Don’t go as fast or as deep starting out. Engage your core, or you will wreck your lower back. And possibly your knees and neck. Those with bad wrists, you are left on your own to modify, as the modifier does not really offer options for those with wrists problems. There are plenty of moves that could compromise the lower back if you try to do too much too soon.

Instructor Comments:
Michelle was absolutely delightful and lovely, and appeared to be having a good time. She seems really passionate about this form of exercise as well, and to have a good rapport with her class.

