The Firm: Bust & Butt

Tamela Hastie, Carissa Foster, Dale Brabham
Year Released: 1999

Categories: Circuit Training (cardio and weights)

This is a Firm total body parts strength workout, set in the mansion, with three Firm leads. There are plenty of traditional exercises here -- squats, lunges, bicep curls, tricep dips, french presses, etc. While no one body part is worked to exhaustion, each body part was touched. This workout is good for those time crunched days where you have to have your Firm fix, but you can't spend over an hour working out. While there are many reps of most exercises (I believe 16 for most, although lunges may have been 10-12 reps) you can go moderately heavy, as the reps aren't very fast and there aren't many of the same exercises done back to back or over and over. I like this dvd for what it is -- a total body strength workout. However, it is missing the personality of some of the earlier Firms, and I haven't quite warmed up to Tamela Hastie. She just seems, I don't know, a bit too fake for me.

What I Liked
There were plenty of push ups, and most were in the beginning of the workout. This was great as I wasn't exhausted by the time I got to them. The pace wasn't so fast that I couldn't transition weights quickly. There was ab work dispersed throughout, which I like. If ab work is snuck into the workout, chances are that I'll do it! Also, there was a bit of floor work throughout. What I happened to LOVE, but others may not, is that there is no tall box work. Since there is tall box work in nearly every Firm (not to mention Cathe) dvd I own, it's nice sometimes to NOT have to do it!

What I Didn't Like
There seemed to be some personality missing from the workout. No warmth like Firm Cardio and Strength, no cheese like Firm Upper Body and Standing Legs; this just seemed all business. Maybe I'll warm up to it. Not a lot of form pointers either. I also don't get what those bunny lunges were for. Maybe someone was playing a joke on Tamela.

What You May Want to Look Out For
There was a bit of up and down at times, and equipment changes were plenty. Also, there were four or five sets of pushups, either off the box or on the floor. If you have wrist issues, be ready to modify.

Instructor Comments:
Carissa and Dale are lovely and more natural to me; Tamela spoke like she needed to be a grade school teacher. Her smile was not natural at ALL. She also executed nearly every move with her shoulders hunched, which was distracting.

