Soul Sweat

Chantal Pierrat
Year Released: 2006

Categories: Floor Aerobics/Hi-Lo/Dance

I wanted to try this workout because I am into low impact, laid back workouts these days. I had a really bad fitness year last year and I'm coming back.

I really, really wanted to like this workout, but the vibe just wasn't for me. I am someone who regularly says, "Tell me the rules and I'll follow them." Once I know what I'm doing with something, I have no problem breaking the rules and taking chances, but only when it's from a comfortable place. I am not a dancer and need someone to tell me what to do. In this workout, she says to feel the freedom in your body and to express yourself while I'm just trying to figure out the moves.

For someone who doesn't have these hang ups, this could be an excellent workout, because it's really well done. She has a tutorial that goes through the moves, so that you can learn them. It's clear and helpful. It didn't help me because in putting it together I just felt uncomfortable, but for many it would be enough. The workout is sort of organized free expression based on the moves she shows you. In the workout, she is backed up by multiple background exercisers, all of whom have a different style and different moves. There's no need for a modifier because she gives different options and the range is demonstrated by the various people doing the workout. The music is well suited to the workout.

For someone into free expression based on specific moves, this is a great workout. For those who just want someone to tell them what to do and how to move, maybe not so much.

Instructor Comments:
She is calm and encouraging and just seems to embody the moves.

Laura S.
