Fat Burning Walk

Denise Austin
Year Released: 2013

Categories: Walking Aerobics

Denise Austin’s Fat Burning Walk claims that you will get 4200 steps, but according to my FitBit I didn’t clear 4000, even with all of my morning activities prior to doing this. Denise does all of the basic moves that an indoor walking workout usually includes, but she adds some dancy steps, some side to side hips (I would call them hula hips). She also adds skaters, and several other impact moves that she builds up to. She has it broken down into themed sections, the first section which has unweighted arm movements like bicep curls, tricep kickbacks, etc. The second is slim sprints, which has some higher impact moves, the third she classifies as hill climbs, and also has a lot of hill climbing type moves. The next is what she refers to as rolling hills, and this is sort of an interval section. Lastly there is one with soccer kicks and the like and this one they call sports star. The cool down is pretty good and thorough, but this probably has the most impact of any walking workout I’ve ever done. If you don’t like Denise’s voice, or sayings like “burn that butter” there’s an option to do it without instruction.

Instructor Comments:
Denise seems about ready to jump out of her skin in this one, she gives a little hop as she returns to the walking movement and she seems so peppy it’s possibly hard to take.

