30 Minutes to Fitness: Total Body Kickbox

Kelly Coffey-Meyer
Year Released: 2013

Categories: Boxing/Kickboxing/Martial Arts

From the time I heard about this DVD coming out, I was committed to getting it for the one premix I assumed she would have - the one that alternates the cardio segments with the strength segments. For some reason, I love using light weights with kickboxing. Don't know why, I just do.

When I got the DVD, I did what I always do with KCM DVDs. I tried Workout #1 (and liked it) and then did Workout #2 (and liked it) and then went exploring the premixes. I found and did the premix that alternates the cardio and strength and was hooked - that's all I've done from this DVD ever since.

I think both workouts are fun and move well. But, I just LOVE the premix.

Instructor Comments:
She is encouraging as usual. And, she stresses form, especially with the second workout where she stresses that you need to move slow when using the weights.

Laura S.
