Good for You

Margaret Richard
Year Released: 2011

Categories: Total Body Workouts

This DVD has four segments and I did each of them as a standalone workout. I could have done them consecutive days as different body parts were worked in each one, but I will review each segment separately here:
Segment 1: This segment works Back/Delts/Chest/adductors and abductors and some abdominals. These are definitely high reps, low weights and good for Margaret that she is able to use ankle weights on the floor work. I certainly couldn’t. Other than that the work seemed relatively easy to me.
Segment 2: Tris/Bis/Hamstrings/Glutes and quads. Again with the killer floor work. Maybe it’s not the floor work that’s so killer, but I am weak in the areas that she works while doing floor work. I liked this segment a lot better than the first one.
Segment 3: Calves/adductors/abductors/chest/delts/abdominals: This seemed like it was almost all floor work which I struggled to complete. By now I’m thinking that maybe I just don’t like floor work. Again kudos to Margaret for using ankle weights throughout.
Segment 4: This was supposed to be hamstrings, quads, tris and bis. There was this weird sort of lunge thing she did, not exactly a lunge but maybe a high lunge pushed up into straight legs and back to the high lunge, basically moving the whole time. A little reminiscent of a moving warrior pose, but not quite that either, it felt weird and maybe I was doing it wrong, because it didn’t do much for me. Then the tricep work is all unweighted, but also sort of bent over sometimes, again it felt weird and maybe I was doing it wrong. Lastly biceps, standard curls and hammer curls, finally something I can get behind! If I had known how few there would be I would have gone heavier.
Overall: If you like floor work, this has it in spades. The setting is lovely and not too far from my town (NY’s Finger Lakes region). This was recommended to me when I was exhausted and feeling unable to cope with any exercise. It can be gentle at times but don’t be fooled, unless you are schooled in floor work, it can be difficult too.

Instructor Comments:
Margaret is not my cup of tea. She's a bit on the kooky side which I usually love, but I just didn't click with her. She wears what appears to be ballet slippers for the whole workout, so if you are a lover of barefoot workouts this could be for you.

