10 Minute Solution: Belly, Butt, & Thigh Blasters

Jessica Smith
Year Released: 2009

Categories: Abs/Core , Lower Body Strength

This dvd has already been broken down pretty thoroughly in the reviews section, so I will just post my overall impressions. I really liked it! This dvd has some fun ab, butt, and thigh using only the firewalker band. There are five 10 minute sections – 2 for abs and 3 for legs. I would rate the dvd solid intermediate. I think you can make it harder or easier by changing the thickness of the band.

What I Liked
This dvd is great for travel. Really got me in the glute and hamstring area. I like that each section was very focused. Jessica has a fantastic personality, and goes slowly enough that you can take the band on and off with ease. Loved the abs sections!

What I Didn’t Like
I came into this workout thinking it was strictly toning, and while the cardio section was fun, I wish that the dvd had remained all toning and the cardio section taken out. Additionally, I don’t feel that the thighs were worked as hard as the glutes, hamstrings, and abs. It might just be that my thighs have gotten stronger and I need a thicker band, but if that’s the case I cannot switch the bands quick enough to compensate for my stronger thighs.

Overall, I really like the workout and can see myself using it for travel or if I just want to change up my lower body routine.

Instructor Comments:
Jessica was very encouraging and down to earth. She just seems so NICE!

