Element: Yoga for Strength & Flexibility

Ashley Turner
Year Released: 2013

Categories: Yoga

This practice contains 2 30 minute yoga practices. The first for strength has planks, side planks, warrior 3, forward split and a bunch of core exercises. It is nice because it is not all sun salutation. Due to that though it is not a flow, its more of a do a few positions in a row and then move on practice. I liked it a lot. The flexibility section had more stretching poses and I like that one as well. There is voiceover if that bothers you. I liked that the voiceover matched exactly what was on the screen. She is not very "spiritual", her cueing is more for which position you should be in, except at the beginning she has you set an intention for your practice. I am glad I got this DVD, it will definitely stay in my collection.

Definitely not for a beginner, but if you have had yoga experience before I thought It was a good intermediate program

Instructor Comments:
I like Ashley, she has a very calming, soothing voice.

