Walk On: Strength & Balance

Jessica Smith
Year Released: 2013

Categories: Circuit Training (cardio and weights) , Walking Aerobics

This dvd contains two 30 minute workouts. Jessica works out on a lovely dock with the water in the background. She works out with 2 background exercisers, one provides mods. You will need dumbbells for this dvd. Both workouts include a warm-up & cool-down.

Stride & Strength: This is a cardio walk & strength interval workout. Exercises include squat clean & press, deadlift & row, pulsing dips, walking, jogging, marching, jacks, low jacks, back cross side step to skaters, plie & bicep curls, chair squat & tri kickback, abduct & angled bi curls, squat relevet or squat hops, running, ham curls, moguls, weighted knee to elbow pull, back lunge & bow & arrow pull, tri presses & knee raises, speed bag shuffle, and core twist & tap. Concludes with some shin walks ,and a stretch.

Barefoot Fusion Walk: Exercises include side step, knee raise & arabesque, low kicks, ballet knee pulls, double side step, narrow hammer curls, hip shifts & front punches, step knee strike, hip shake up & back, plie pulse heel lifts, and hamstring curl & cross chops. Tons of variety and def hits the core!

I rate this a low intermediate/intermediate dvd that can be modified up or down easily. Jessica uses 5 # weights but I was able to increase poundage and get a great workout. Tons of fun & unique exercises make this a definite keeper. Excellent form pointers & tips make this a great dvd for exercisers of all levels. Absolutely love it! I received this dvd to review.

