XTrain - Tabatacise

Cathe Friedrich
Year Released: 2012

Categories: Floor Aerobics/Hi-Lo/Dance , Step Aerobics

This is probably my all-time favorite Tabata-style workout. Big cudos to Cathe for her adaptation of Tabata because I cannot tolerate true Tabata, as in do a move 8 times in a row?? Really? I love that she never has you do a move twice in a row but instead does 4 different moves two times through, and I think incorporating the step between rounds of Tabata is very creative. I agree with another reviewer about a bit of repetition though; the workout includes 2 sets of plie jacks, although the second set is called by another name. And Cathe follows air jacks with tuck jumps...ugh..I do them both, but I wish she had put something a wee bit easier between those 2 moves. Also, I love the music and find it very motivating, not something I usually say about Cathe's music. In short, this is tough but doable and fun, and Cathe is the master as always.

