Pyramid Upper Body

Cathe Friedrich
Year Released: 2002

Categories: Balance/Medicine/Mini/Stability Ball, Upper Body Strength

One of the best upper-body workouts out there. In just under an hour (closer to 30 minutes for the premixes), Cathe cues a thorough endurance-based strength workout. Four extremely fit backgrounders work with Cathe as she takes you through two exercises per body part (chest, back, shoulders, triceps, biceps), doing a pyramid of 12 reps at light weight, 10 at medium, 8 at heavy, then back to 10/medium and 12/light to close out the set. The pace is pretty quick; almost always I pause between body parts to get a sip of water, make a note of weights used, and line up my weights for the next segment.

The premixes are better for muscle-building instead of endurance, since you have only three sets and can go heavier to hit failure on the 8-rep set.

The 8-minute stability-ball abs section is TOUGH, and the second half involves roll-ins and pikes on the ball. My arms are so fried after the pyramid weights, I prefer to do the warmup, then fast-forward to abs, then do the weights work and stretch section last.

Equipment for this workout: Cathe and her crew use dumbbells only for the workout. I use a barbell on the heavier back pullovers because it's more comfortable. They also use a standard-sized step with risers as a weight bench (optional but recommended, or you'll be getting up and down from the floor a LOT), plus a stability ball for the abdominal section. One of the backgrounders does the abs without the ball if you don't have one.

Instructor Comments:
The Intensity Series is one of Cathe's best because her cueing is clear, she's enthusiastic and the workout time seems to fly. As always, her form is impeccable.

