Metamorphosis by Tracy: Omnicentric Transform 3

Tracy Anderson
Year Released: 2011

Categories: Total Body Workouts

I found the previous breakdowns submitted by "cardio mama" very helpful, so I thought I would post this breakdown of Level 9. From what I can tell from the VF general forum, Level 9 is the same for all centrics (I have Omni Centric).

TA Meta Level 9 (Days 81-90)

Standing Arms (no weights)
Standing Arms with weights
Kneeling Arms with weights
Standing Abs
Abs on Mat

1_Standing Legs — 20 deep grand plies with arm movements.

2_Quadruped position.
Legs make a modified pigeon pose, with left knee bent at the top of the mat.
Lower body so right knee slides back at an angle.
Raise body and kick right leg upward in a bent-knee attitude position (knee turned out)— 40 reps.

3_Begin in a straight arm plank position.
Lift right leg, bringing the bent right knee to front at a slight angle (1:00), then kick straight back.
Keep foot pointed — 30 reps.

4_Begin in a kneeling lunge position.
Right leg in side lunge and left knee on the ground.
Tilt to the left into a T-position, placing left arm/hand on ground.
Raise right arm + 3lb. weight straight up (to vertical) over the right shoulder.
At the same time, lift and kick the right leg straight out to the side — 30 reps.

5_Stay in the tilted T-position as above—with left arm/hand + left knee on ground.
Keep right arm + 3 lb. weight straight up over the right shoulder (vertical).
Right leg kicks to the back and side—maintain leg at hip height or slightly above.
Keep foot pointed during kicks — 40 reps.

6_Stay in same tilted T-position as before, but begin side crunches.
Right arm is bent at elbow above the head, and crunches into waist
At the same time, right leg moves into a combination bent knee/fire hydrant + side kick.
Note: right knee does not touch the floor—it hovers.
20 with weight, 20 without weight (no arm crunches, place hand at hip)

7_Quadruped position, but right leg is crossed behind left knee—you're in a twist. The twist position isn't consistent, but I think it's supposed to be:
Side 1: Head at 1:00, Feet at 7:00
Side 2: Head at 11:00, Feet at 5:00
Kick right leg up to the sky (keep bent knee) — 40 reps.

8_Stay in same position as before, but keep right leg up, and quickly kick foot in/out — 10 in push-up position, 10 reps with right forearm on ground, 30 pulsing reps. Note: Tracy isn't consistent about the arm positions/reps in this sequence, but this is what I think it was supposed to be.)

