Travel Fit

Cathe Friedrich
Year Released: 2009

Categories: Circuit Training (cardio and weights) , Total Body Workouts

I've had various Cathe workouts in the past, but although I've liked some of them, I've wound up getting rid of all of them, as I've found that I don't really click with her as an instructor. However, I decided to take a chance on Travel Fit, as I've been trying to incorporate more resistance band/tubing DVDs. (I have found that alternating these types of workouts with more traditional strength training is enhancing my fitness results.)

In her brief Introduction to this workout, Cathe explains that this is a routine using only a resistance band and combining isolation exercises, compound moves, and brief cardio bursts (without the band). Cathe instructs live in a large studio (I loved that it was in a high-rise overlooking Philadelphia!) with four background exercisers. There is no modifier, although Cathe herself sometimes will mention an easier modification of the various exercises.

The Main Menu offers options for Introduction-Play-Chapters-Credits. The exercises below are as they appear on the Chapter submenu. I have added details for the Warm-Up, Abdominals, and Stretch only, as most of the exercises are self-explanatory (and have already been broken down by previous reviewer cardiomama).

*Warm Up (4 mins: heel digs with biceps curls, knee lifts with chest presses, hamstring curls with arms up/down, elbow to knee, end with squat digs)
*Band Pull Downs
*Band Pull Backs
*Close Grip Band Pulls
*Lunge Backs with Band
*Double Width Band Pulls
*Cardio Squat Digs
*Band Bicep Curls
*Band Curls and Presses
*Split Lunge Overhead Presses
*Cardio Plie Rope Pulls
*Tricep Double Arm Kickbacks
*Bow and Arrows
*Tricep Overhead Extensions
*Deadlifts and Lunges
*Side Lateral Raises
*Cardio Puddle Jumpers
To Floor at 32 minutes:
*Push Ups
*Double Arm Band Pulls
*Outer Thigh Presses
*Abdominals (reverse crunch is only move with band; also full situps, "L" crunches, bicycles, and plank)
*Stretch (4.5 mins: lying quad stretch, child's pose, cat/cow, down dog, chest stretch in forward bend, standing stretches for triceps & shoulders)

Overall, I liked this workout. As Cathe says in the Intro, if you think it is easy, think again--the routine can be made more challenging simply by increasing the tension on your band (i.e., gripping it closer) or using a firmer band. As a high intermediate exerciser, I definitely felt that I got a good workout. I did feel that there was more work for the upper body, but I liked the ways in which Cathe used the band for the lower body as well.

There were a few things that I didn't like. First, Cathe and crew seem to be using super-long bands, as it appeared that her reach was better than mine for many of the moves. I tried different bands and even tried using my resistance tubing, but I still had a bit of trouble at times, so you may want to make sure that you have an extra-long resistance band (6-8') for this workout. Second, I wasn't crazy about the abs work. I'm not sure why Cathe gave up on using the band after just a single move, but I didn't enjoy this more traditional abs segment in what was supposed to be a band routine.

In the end, this meets my needs as a solid band routine, and I would recommend it.

Instructor Comments:
Cathe is obviously an experienced, skilled instructor who cues well and always provides form pointers. To me, she sometimes comes across too scripted, although I didn't find that to be too much of an issue in this workout.

Beth C (aka toaster)
