Dream Body Workout Series: Fusion

Brooke Degnan
Year Released: 2013

Categories: Ballet/Barre, Circuit Training (cardio and weights) , Floor Aerobics/Hi-Lo/Dance

This is my favorite of the first Dream Body series. It offers just the right amount of challenge for me- enough some parts are difficult to do all the reps, but not so tough as to be discouraging. Doable. You jump right into the meat of the workout (as is the case in all the DB workouts)with a tough cardio sequence starting out with (IIRC) plank jacks. No warm up. You do a whole sequence of moves for one side of the body, then it is all repeated on the other side. No mirror cuing, which doesn't bother me; I just have to remember which leg I started on so I get all the moves on both sides. The workout is about 50 mins and I would say the first 25ish are the hardest (Brooke herself to this as "the really terrible part" or something like that.) You use 1-2 lb weights throughout the workout. The transitions are VERY quick--there is no down time between exercises or set up or demos or anything. She just goes and cues on the move. By the second side you know what to expect because it is all repeated. At the end of the workout there is some wicked inner thigh work with the stability ball--love that!

Instructor Comments:
I really like Brooke. She talks a lot and pretty fast but it doesn't bother me. She seems very down to earth and realistic about this being a tough workout and I like that. I find her charismatic and cute with an inspriring physique.

Melissa P
