
Callan Pinckney
Year Released: 1986

Categories: Ballet/Barre

Callan Pinckney's lo impact excercises are purported to be safe for troubled backs and knees. Pinckney developed this regimen of deep muscle stretches after dealing with back problems of her own. I know this system works, and works relatively quickly, having had friends who shaped up with her video. Muscles get firm, elongated, and strong (not unlike with ballet or yoga.)

The video does not offer much in the way of aerobic conditioning, which was OK with me, as I was going to use it to supplement a jogging regimen. My major complaint, however, is that it's BORING. Pinckney has a formal, calm demeanor that would make me want to have cocktail chat with her as opposed to get fit with her. The new age jazz is also TOO soothing. This video is probably geared to an older person, eager not to jostle themselves around.

If you're very self-motivated, this could be a good program for developing flexibility and strength. If you need some pep, I'd try something else.

