ACE HiiT Series: Lower Body HiiT

Chris Freytag
Year Released: 2013

Categories: Circuit Training (cardio and weights) , Lower Body Strength

Chris works out alone in a studio for this 30 minute lower body & cardio HiiT routine. You will need dumbbells for workout. Chris provides modification options. Classic HiiT style- each exercise lasts for 20 seconds, followed by 10 seconds rest completed for 4 minutes followed by a 45 second rest. You perform 2 rounds of 4 exercises two times total, and then one final round of 4 different exercises.

After a warmup, exercises include: surrenders, squat jumps, split jumps, lunge -knee up- dip, walking pliets, pliet heel click jumps, floor touch knee hops, low runners knee pulls, set down & pick up weights, hi knee runs, lunge hops, lunge knee raise, and a cooldown/ stretch.

I rate this a high intermediate. This is a quick and effective workout- I was able to heavy up pretty well on this & was sore the next day! Chris is fantastic in this entire series, motivating, great form reminders, modifications, and cuing. Love the pace- not rushed but no wasted time. I received this dvd to review.

