30 Minutes to Fitness: Total Body Kickbox

Kelly Coffey-Meyer
Year Released: 2013

Categories: Boxing/Kickboxing/Martial Arts

Kelly’s latest kickboxing DVD includes two workouts (cardio & toning), combos, and premixes.

Workout #1 starts with the sort of high energy punches I enjoy: jabs, crosses, hooks, and uppercuts, then squats. She adds hooks to the squats, then moves to knee pulls, shuffles, and jabs & jacks. Then she does something she calls a knee inversion (where you turn your knee in); these didn’t feel comfortable to me, so I followed the modifier doing squats. Next up was tap-outs with a jab, then a hook, then an uppercut; then a combination jab-jab/hook-hook/uppercut-uppercut, followed by squats with knee lifts, then shuffles. This was followed by a combination body shot (which feels like an uppercut to me) and elbow shot move (punching up & over our shoulder) and shuffles; then we add jabs, jacks, and that knee inversion move (again, I just did squats.) The next combination was single jab, double jab, jack, squat, knee lift and side kick; this was repeated several times. This was followed by a jab-cross with a hammer punch down to the floor, then we added a squat and a squat jump (I modified by doing a pulse squat.) Next up was a V-step with a double jab, then a quick triple jab, then a triple knee. This was done several times. The last combination was hook, uppercut, double-jab, knee, then jab-jab, bob-bob, and add hooks and knees. Finally, we did tap-outs and stretches. This was a decent workout, but some of the moves felt awkward to me; however, I was able to modify those moves.

Workout #2 starts with slow punches (crosses, hooks, uppercuts) using 3 to 5 pound weights. I started with 4-pound weights. Next came lunges (front, side, and rear) on one side, then the other. The lunges were a little fast for my taste, so I took out one of the lunges, doing front and side lunges, then rear and side lunges. Knee pulls were next, with added side kicks, then crosses, then quick jabs. My arms were really fried by this time, so I dropped down to 3-pound weights and carried on with alternating reverse lunges, adding a knee, then a kick; then more lunges followed by crosses and uppercuts with squats and jumps. Whew! I needed a breather! Next up was front steps with cross punches, side steps with hooks, and back kicks with tricep extensions. Squats, hooks, and uppercuts were followed by lunges, chest flies, tricep extensions, upright rows, and standing crunches. We did more squats, this time with hooks, uppercuts, and flurries, before ending with some quick stretches. I didn’t really love this workout; I felt the reps were too quick for the weights we were using; but I was able to handle it better once I dropped the poundage.

Instructor Comments:
Kelly is friendly and professional as usual.

Debbie J
