Perfect Design Series: Sequence 1

Tracy Anderson
Year Released: 2010

Categories: Abs/Core , Ballet/Barre, Lower Body Strength , Upper Body Strength

I will never understand why more people do not talk about this workout. I have been doing Tracy Anderson's method, off and on, for a solid year now. Most of that time has been spent doing the mat workout along with combining moves from meta and content I've found on youtube.

I tried to like metamorphosis, but I hate the feel of it. It is too frantic, chaotic and gives me anxiety. I couldn't get past level 3 on either omni or glute. I felt the burn, but dreaded the workout.

Having said all of that, I LOVE THIS WORKOUT SO MUCH! Today marks my third day in a row doing it, and I feel so amazing each time after completing it. I can't wait to do it again tomorrow!

Here is why I feel the way I do:
While pondering why I dislike meta, yet love this workout, I realized something about myself. I like workouts that get my heart rate up, challenge me physically and cause me to break a good sweat, yet calm my mind and nervous system. There is something meditative about this workout. I feel like I've had a great workout, yet feel that my body has been brought back to balance and my energy rejuvenated. The sweat I break doing this workout feels cleansing. I feel centered and strong, and some of the moves are really pretty. I hope this is making sense! Please do not let this be misleading. Unless you are quite advanced, you will absolutely be challenged and feel very worked out. I have a dance background and am at an intermediate exercise level, yet this still challenges me. I sweat more doing this than I ever did doing 30 minutes on an elliptical!

The set is dark and in an intimate dance studio. The backdrop is a view of NYC at night. I feel like Tracy is my personal body designer while doing this! Unless you like high energy toning workouts with the instructor screaming in your face, you may just love this as much as I do. JUST TRY IT!

