Fuse Dance: Cardio Melt

Tracey Mallett
Year Released: 2012

Categories: Circuit Training (cardio and weights)

Full disclosure: I received a free review copy of this workout.

I found the marketing for this DVD disingenuous because claims that it contains two 30 minute workouts. That is one of the things that drew me to this DVD. However, the reality is that the main menu offers access to the two segments of the DVD, Interval Fat Burn and Total Toned Body, but they are just that - segments - rather than complete workouts. This is because when you choose the individual segments, Interval Fat Burn contains the warm-up, but no cool down, and Total Toned Body does not have a warm-up, but contains the cool down. Consequently, they just chopped up the one workout and didn't do a very good job of it. When a DVD producer is going to claim there are multiple workouts on a DVD, the warm up and cool down should also be offered on the menu as separate options along with the segments.

Additionally, the marketing claims that there are two 30-minute workouts when in reality there is one 30-minute workout and one 23-minute workout. For someone like me who tries to get in a minimum of 30 minutes every day, this is a significant difference. Of course, I was already annoyed when I did the Total Toned Body becuase there had been no warm up and I was realizing that is really wasn't a complete workout. The fact that I was more interested in Total Toned Body and started with it, probably led to a more negative reaction than if I had just played the workout from the beginning.

The first segment, Interval Fat Burn, is a segment that alternates dance combinations with intervals of more toning type moves. It did feel like an interval workout to me as my heart rate went up and down depending on what she was doing at the moment. I thought that the combinations were okay. Then, she spent the last 10 minutes of this segment putting all the combinations together. And, that was fun - time seemed to fly through this section.

Some of the moves can hurt your knees, if they are wonky. It was easy enough though to modify and just go less deep in lunges or not do the twisty move as enthusiastically.

The second segment, Total Toned Body, uses light weights while doing movements that include both the upper and lower body. The segments contain different toning moves and each segment includes cardio moves. This segment felt like a circuit workout to me.

There are three background exercisers and one of them is designated as the modifier, even though she wasn't very good at modifying. She did the obvious things like leaving out impact when there were jumps or hops, but she didn't give alternatives to moves that torque the knees. At times, it was like she forgot she was supposed to be modifying until Tracey would point out that people could follow her modifications.

Overall, I thought the workout was okay, but it isn't one I feel like I will want to do in the future. For people who really enjoy these light dancey, fusiony workouts, this workout is probably a pretty good one.

Laura S.
