Core & Curves

Key Son, Marisa Tomei
Year Released: 2010

Categories: Abs/Core , Lower Body Strength

This has 2 short workouts, one for full body and one focusing on legs. The same warmup and cool down play for both workouts. If you want a longer workout, Marisa says to repeat the workout 3 times, like doing 3 circuits. They just filmed her going through the circuit once.

This is basically a high rep, low impact workout using a loop, with a lot of standing-on-one-leg balance work. The loop that comes with it looks just like the one from Firm: Dangerous Curves Ahead, but smaller circumference. The workout is VERY high rep. When you think you're finished, Marisa's trainer Key Son says, "You're almost half way there." LOTS of crunches!

I know some people were bothered by Key's low voice, but I liked his mellowness. I really like this workout, and the only con is that it takes up so much space. Marisa does side steps with the band around her ankles, and I have to walk out of my living room before she's finished. Lucky for me I have no wall right there, but other people might run into the wall before they're done.

Marisa does some other weird things, like have a sweatshirt on for 2 minutes then take it off. Have her hair down, then put it up. But that didn't bother me too much.

