Low Impact Series: Cycle Max

Cathe Friedrich
Year Released: 2011

Categories: Indoor Cycling

this one gets better the more i use it. about me: very beginner to spinning. just got a spin bike this past may. i have the two jay blahnik videos-hill repeat and interval training. also the schwinn cycle workout-the new one. i got cycle max but it was too much for me so i put it aside for quite a while and used the jay blahnik videos.
i still do not stand as much as cathe but am getting better! the jumps are fun after you have some experience with other (somewhat easier) videos. jay is my first choice but i do like this one-the music is fine for me, the music in hill repeat and interval training is hardly there so the cathe one is a nice change for me! also i have some mindy videos-short and sweet and cycle challenge and do not care for those at all. just don't "click" with her.
i think cathe will get much better as a spin instructor with the more videos that she puts out.

susan d
