Brazil Butt Lift - Bum Bum

Leandro Carvalho
Year Released: 2010

Categories: Lower Body Strength

Leandro introduces this as his signature workout and calls it dance, but it's not - it's more cardio drills with lower-body toning? Or lower body drills with a cardio effect? In any event, it's fast paced, never boring and as hard as you want to make it. It's not drills in the bootcamp sense - much more fun with smoother transitions between moves.

The other reviewers have given a great breakdown of the workout. I will add that the optional/Level 2 (harder) moves really increase the intensity of the workout. I'm always dripping with sweat at the end, even if I stay all Level 1 (basic move). The capoeira deep lunges and squats at the end are KILLER, no matter what shape you're in.

The music is close to matching the moves in this workout, more so than in some of the other Brazil Butt Lift series, but not usually bang-on beat. When the camera switches between the indoor studio exercisers and the beach exercisers, the two groups are rarely in perfect sync, so follow the studio-workout sequencing.

A GREAT, fun workout. The backgrounders are having a great time and are fun to watch.

Instructor Comments:
Leandro is fun, a little goofy, and seems to be having a blast with the workout. His cueing isn't the greatest - "Follow me!" isn't a cue - but this workout isn't tough choreographically so at most you'll miss one rep while you catch up with what he's doing. He also sometimes misleads you when he says "three more" and you're in the middle of a rep - sometimes that rep is #3 and counting, sometimes it's #4 and counting. But I, slow learner, caught on after doing this workout a couple of times. I like his accent, especially when he starts out with "Theezz the Boom Boom Workout!"

