30 Minutes to Fitness: Cardio Quick Fix

Kelly Coffey-Meyer
Year Released: 2012

Categories: Floor Aerobics/Hi-Lo/Dance , Lower Body Strength

Below are three separate posts that I put on the forum about this DVD. I figured if I combined them, it would make a review. Hopefully, this information will help you decide if you want this DVD.

I did Workout 1 from Cardio Quick Fix. It was a good workout for this morning, but I'm not sure of what I think of the workout for the long term. It has fresh moves and combinations - you haven't done this workout before. BUT, she does two combinations in it, building each one a move at a time. In other words, there is a lot of TIFTing.

I thought the music was really good. Much of it was vocal and it seemed to fit the workout really well. For me, music is "good" as long as it goes beyond the standard techno beat stuff that is used so much and as long as it fits the workout. I don't expect "good" music to be stuff I listen to in real life.

The set was kind of forgettable to me. It was bright and it was easy to see; I didn't like it particularly, but I didn't dislike it either.

The only background exerciser I really noticed was Noelle, the new modifier. There wasn't a whole lot for her to do in this workout in terms of modification because most of the moves were low impact. She didn't put in hops when the others did and that was about it. I imagine there will be more call for modifications in the second workout.

This morning, I did Workout 2 from KCM's Cardio Quick Fix. It is basically pairs of moves, one easier and one drill oriented. So, you do the warm up. Then, you do these pairs of moves. Usually, she starts out with what I call an easy move - marching, side steps, basic squats or lunges, jumping jacks, etc. - and then she morphs it into a more high-impact and more intense version of the move. So, side steps went into skaters. Double side steps went into a chasse with a reach to the floor. Jumping jacks went into one jumping jack and one air jack. Squats went into pop squats. Etc., etc. She would do the combination one time and then repeat it. Then, she would move on to the next set of moves. There was no TIFTing or putting the moves together beyond repeating the pair of moves.

I thought Noelle did a good job of leading with a low impact move. I pretty much did the workout with her. Kelly cracked me up. At one point, she points out that if you want to up the ante, you can keep doing the harder version when she repeats the pair and starts with the easier move. Then, she says, "I'm not the boss of you, right? Do what you gotta do!"

I thought the music was good. Remember, my definition of "good music" is any music with vocals that match the workout well. So few instructors these days do anything beyond the techno-beat music, that I think those that do more should be applauded.

Overall,I thought it was a good workout that I wonder if I would ever do again. It's basically sets of drills. That's not my cup of tea usually. But, I wonder if the premixes won't give some really good options where the two workouts are intermingled. This workout is the kind that could give a really good oomph when combined with segments of Workout 1. We'll see.

Quick Fix Premixes:
-Quick Fix 1 (1st set workout 1 and 1st set workout 2) - 27 min
-Quick Fix 2 (2nd set workout 1 and 2nd set workout 2) - 23 min
-Quick Fix 3 (1st set workout 1 and all of workout 2) - 36 min
-Quick Fix 4 (2nd set workout 1 and all of workout 2) - 34 min
-Quick Fix 5 (both workouts) - 44 min
-Quick Fix 6 (workout 1 1st set and bonus) - 29 min
-Quick Fix 7 (workout 1 2nd set and bonus) - 27 min
-Quick Fix 8 (workout 2 1st set and bonus) - 29 min
-Quick Fix 9 (workout 2 2nd set and bonus) - 27 min
-Bonus Workout with Abs, Hips, and Glutes - 15 min (this is actually on the main menu)

This morning, I tried out a couple of the premixes. It seems like a lot of the power of Kelly's workouts these days is in the premixes because they give you so many options. Plus, I wanted to see how they were structured. I really like some of Kelly's other DVDs where she gives premixes that intermingle the two workouts and I wanted to see if that was done here.

First, I tried the Workout 2 1st set and bonus. This was my chance to do the bonus as well. And, I really, really liked it. Much of it was standing and I could actually do the floor moves (following Noelle on one or two of the moves where my knees wouldn't do what Kelly was doing). Abs workouts are not my thing and I enjoy finding one that works for me periodically - most of the time those have standing moves in at least part of them.

Then, I tried Quick Fix 1 (1st set workout 1 and 1st set workout 2) because I wanted to see if the workouts were intermingled; and, they weren't. It's exactly as it says. You do all of the first set of workout 1 followed by all the first set of workout 2. I quit at the beginning of the segment from workout 2 because I was ready to be done.

I am torn about this DVD. I had hoped to love, love, love it. Instead, I like parts of it. I can see myself pullilng it out to do the premix with the 1st set of workout 1 with the abs bonus. That one would be fun. I can also see doing a premix with one segment of each workout.

Some people will absolutely love this DVD. Others will be disappointed by it. I really think it goes to personality and whether you click with it. It is a solidly intermediate workout. I imagine some advanced exercisers will click with it and just modify up while others won't think it's worth their time. With the modifier, people who aren't up for the full impact and/or intensity have options.

Instructor Comments:
Kelly is great in this workout. She's relaxed. She's funny. She's motivating. I can see why so many people love her workouts. She is fun to work out with!

Laura S.
