Ballet Fitness by Jennee (Ballet Blast)

Jennee McCormich
Year Released: 2012

Categories: Ballet/Barre

This ballet-style workout begins with a short (but fun) warmup followed by plies -- lots and lots of plies! You are holding your arms out by your side the entire time; this may not seem like much, but after 15 minutes, my arms were burning! Next is cardio, basically ballet kicks and ballet “burpees” which are done by going to the floor with wide legs then kicking them straight, then moving back to wide legs and returning to standing with plie pulses. Next is upper body sculpting with light weights: Overhead side lifts, bicep lifts, tricep kickbacks, shoulder presses, and "kettlebell" swings. Jennee used the same weight for this entire section, but I would like to have used lighter weights for some moves (like windmill arms) and heavier weights for other moves (like kettlebell swings); and she moved too quickly for you to switch on your own without missing some of the repetitions. Next was abdominal work on the floor, followed by a lovely stretch. The setting was bright and pleasant, and the music was upbeat. All in all, this was an excellent low-impact cardio & toning workout.

Instructor Comments:
Jennee is a pleasant, "no-nonsense" instructor.

Debbie J
