Living Arts Pilates - Beginning Mat Workout

Ana Caban
Year Released: 2001

Categories: Pilates/Core Strength

Some people didn't like the MTV style of this video, but I'm from that generation and it didn't bother me at all; I might not even have thought about it if others hadn't mentioned it.

I have been using different Pilates videos for two years now and this tape is still my favorite. I am not a serious pilates student, and I only practice about once a week. But even at my most out of shape, this video has never been too much for me, and as I continue to get more fit I still find it challenging. It's a workout I don't really outgrow.

You can either follow Ana or Brooke, who demonstrates the easier versions of the poses. I like Ana's encouraging but not too perky style. I much prefer her style to Mari Winsor's - just personal preference, no slam on Mari. I don't think Ana goes too fast, which is a complaint I do have about Mari. I still consider myself a beginner and need a slow/moderate pace.

I love that this is a short tape; just over 20 minutes and you're done. I sometimes tack it on after other lower-body work, or just do it on it's own. I feel very relaxed afterwards, and like I've given my body a real treat.

Additional note: I have a family member who weighed 300+ lbs and thought she'd never get in shape. She did this video 5x a week for three months, and no, it wasn't a magic bullet; she didn't get a 'dancer's body' or perfect abs, but it helped her build up her strength and confidence so that she can now take 3 mile walks. I am really amazed at how strong she got with this tape; not Cathe-level of course, but impressive nonetheless. It has since circulated in our family to others who have physical limitations but want to ease back into exercise.

I love how gentle but effective this workout is. It may bore an advanced exerciser to tears, but it's a wonderful way for a true beginner to approach both Pilates and fitness.

