Hip Hop Walk

Amy Bento
Year Released: 2012

Categories: Floor Aerobics/Hi-Lo/Dance , Walking Aerobics

I really like this workout. I like the idea of walking workouts, because they are good for days when you don't want to think about what you're doing. They don't have choreography to learn. They're lower impact. But, I don't like a lot of walking workouts on the market because they are usually just a lot of marching in place. I wanted something with more movement variety, but without more choreography. And that's exactly what Hip Hop Walk is. It's perfect if you find Leslie Sansone too repetitive. The clips I've seen look a little cheesey, but actually *doing* the workout is a lot more fun than watching the clips.

I think the workout is more intermediate than beginner, because of the intensity bursts.

Instructor Comments:
Amy is just "having fun" in this one. I like her cueing, instruction, and personality.

