30 Minutes to Fitness: Start Here

Kelly Coffey-Meyer
Year Released: 2011

Categories: Floor Aerobics/Hi-Lo/Dance , Total Body Workouts

I am a 48 year old woman with bad knees and hands/wrists. I like workouts that don't require a lot of moves that stress these body parts. This DVD has a few push ups in the second workout and I substitute chest presses. Other than that, I have no issues with the moves!

There are two workouts on this DVD - Workout 1 is labeled a cardio sculpting workout and Workout 2 is a pretty straight forward. I really enjoy the cardio sculpting workout. The cardio moves are basic and I was engaged doing them. It has strength building moves that are designed to get your heart rate up. Kelly says to use weights no heavier than 5 pounds - which is what I use. Moves include things like a back stroke, alternating bicep curls transitioning into alternating tricep kickbacks, etc. Workout 2 is a pretty straight forward strength workout. Kelly says that you can use whatever weight is appropriate for you. I started with 8 pounders and dropped to 5s when she got into the shoulders. This workout kept me really engaged, even though it's a pretty basic strength workout with more traditional moves than the first workout.

Kelly is backed up with two exercisers. Lauren is not in it, presumably because a modifier is not needed. The music is pretty good - I notice it complimenting the moves several times. Kelly is her normal, down to earth, pragmatic, friendly, motivating self.

The premixes include:

Aerobic Cardio Only (19:09)
Cardio Sculpt Only (19:23)
Floor Work (16:34)
Cardio Sculpt and Upper Body Weights
Cardio Sculpt and Leg Work (23:32)
Upper Body Lift (25:37)
Lower Body Minimizer (1:43)

I can only talk about Cardio Sculpt and Leg Work because once I did that premix, I keep going back to it! It has the cardio sculpting moves from the first workout with leg work from the second workout. It's fun!

I really, really enjoy this DVD. Right now, I am caught in a really busy time of life and this DVD has given me the option to do basic and doable, but not super easy, workouts. I think this DVD is less appropriate for total beginners than restarters and "beginners again" for whatever reason. Kelly gives form pointers, but doesn't explain moves as should be done for someone who has never used weights. They seem more like reminders. Kelly's attitude is supportive, but she is not condescending and she doesn't talk down to the exerciser as sometimes happens in beginner DVDs.

Instructor Comments:
Kelly is her normal, down to earth, pragmatic, friendly, motivating self. And, she does a great job with a more beginner-oriented workout.

Laura S.
