Barry's Bootcamp Fat Blaster

Barry Jay, Cindy Whitmarsh
Year Released: 2008

Categories: Total Body Workouts

This is a system that includes 2 dvds, an oblong stability ball (the Transformer) and a light and heavy resistance band. One dvd has an upper body interval workout along with six Mission Specialist workouts- beginner & advanced abs, beginner & advanced upper, and beginner & advanced lower. The second dvd has the lower body interval workout and the same six Mission Specialist workouts. The format of both Fat Blaster workouts is the same- one minute cardio followed by one minute toning, with a short break between each minute. These two workouts are meant to be alternated. The cardio is pretty much all high impact and challenging. Modifications are shown. Each lasts about 21 minutes. Personally I found both the warm-up and cool-down insufficient. The Mission Specialist workouts are all toning and are each 12 minutes. The system comes with a schedule of how to add these to the Fatblasters.
I dislike band work, so I subbed dumbbells and it worked fine. I like the Transformer and found it useful for other workouts-until my cat popped it.

Instructor Comments:
Cindy is the real lead and she is great. At first I found Barry annoying, but I learned to overlook him.

Melissa P
