Freedom Restoration DVD

JB Berns
Year Released: 2005

Categories: Athletic Stretch

I’m reviewing the “Rehab Your Body at Home” Back & Shoulder focused workouts led by JB Berns. The Back workouts range from 22-23 min, and the Shoulder workouts 12-13 min. long. Both incorporate a variety of exercises performed on the floor, standing or seated in chair. I like to use these workouts paired together (post-workout or alone), so will complete a Back workout, then Shoulder workout right after it or use the Shoulder workouts as a warm-up. I don’t have any back or shoulder pain presently (not using for rehab), but do have mild-mod soreness/tightness from exercise so I like to use these workouts when I feel that occurring or just want a thorough, but gentle dynamic & static stretch workout. I really liked Chad Waterbury/Debbie Siebers’ “Total Body Solution” back & shoulder segments (used when I had pain & incorporated into routine when pain-free), and these workouts are similar to those but with more exercises sequenced into it (some different ones) and two workouts so more variety to work with

Back Workout “A” (22:47 min.)
Pelvic Tilt: perform supine w/ bent knees/feet flat on floor.
Curl-Up: crunch w/ arms extended forward.
Diagonal Curl-up: oblique crunch w/ arms extended forward.
Beginning Bridge: glute bridge w/ shallow range of motion.
Single Knee to Chest: supine, one bent knee/foot flat on floor, knee pull-in w/ hands in crook of knee.
Double Knee to Chest
Lower Trunk rotation stretch: supine w/ bent knees/feet flat on floor, arms out to sides> lower knees to one side & hold.
Tree: supine, one leg extended, other bent/turned out leg, arms out to sides.
Bound Angle: both legs bent/turned out w/ heels together & hands on inner thighs(similar to Butterfly stretch but soles of feet are not together).
Lumbar Rotation (single knee): supine w/ one leg extended, other bent knee to chest floor, arms out to sides> lower single knee to one side & hold.
Hip Hikers: side lying position w/ bottom bent elbow & straight legs> lift top leg & hold.
Beginning Staff: seated w/ legs extended, hands in back of body, upper body leans back a bit w/ chest lifted.
Hamstring Stretch: one leg extended front, other bent/turned out leg.
Gluteal Set (prone position): static hold in cobra on elbows/forearms (legs extended on floor & upper body lifted).
Prone Hip Extension: from previous position, lift single leg up & hold.
Prone on Elbows: alternate straightening & bending arms in cobra.
Prone Position: lift extended arms & chest off floor and hold> lift both legs off floor & hold> Superman (lift both arms, legs & chest off floor for hold).
Upper Body Extension: on all fours (quadruped position): lift & extend single arm to front & hold.
Hip Extension: from previous position> lift & extend single leg to rear & hold.
Knee to Chest stretch: from previous position> single knee pull-in to chest & rear leg extension.
Cat Stretch: spinal roll in previous position.
Mid back Stretch (child’s pose): standard, w/ arms & upper body angled to side.
Flexibility Prayer: arms extended to front w/ palms together> torso twist w/ arms facing side & hold.
Standing Tree: one leg supports most of weight, other is bent w/ just ball of foot on floor w/ prayer arms.

Back Workout “B” (23:41 min.)
Pelvic Tilt
Curl-Up: w/ arms crossed at chest level
Diagonal Curl-Up: w/ arms crossed at chest level
Intermediate Bridging: glute bridge w/ full range of motion.
Knee to Chest, Leg Straight: supine, one bent leg extended to front, other knee pull-in w/ hands in crook of knee.
Active Hamstring Stretch: supine, one leg bent/foot flat on floor, other extended vertically.
Lower Trunk Rotation: supine w/ bent knees/feet flat on floor, arms out to sides> lower knees to one side, then top leg extends to side.
Tree (Leg Over Knee): bent knee/turned out leg rests on top of extended leg.
Bound Angle: Butterfly stretch
Lumbar Rotation (single knee): supine w/ bent knees, one crossed over other, arms out to sides> lower knees to one side & hold.
Side Tree: side lying position w/ bottom bent elbow & straight legs> bend top leg & place foot on top of other leg for a hold.
(Side lying)Quadricep Stretch
Staff Intermediate: seated w/ legs extended, hands next to hips w/ chest lifted.
Hamstring Stretch Intermediate: one leg extended front w/ flexed heel, other bent/turned out leg> reach for toes.
Prone Leg Beats: on elbows/forearms, heel together> lift legs & hold> repeat lift w/ legs apart, then heels together & hold> lift w/ opening & closing legs.
Press Up (Upward Facing Dog): really more cobra w/ straight arms because the hips & upper legs stay on floor, entire time (but cued as UFD).
Leg & Arm Alternating: prone position, opposite arm & leg lift, then static hold.
Leg & Arm Intermediate (Superman)
Prone Back Extension: w/ arms extended out to side.
Alternate (opposite) Arm & Leg Extension (quadruped): Bird Dog
Mid Back Intermediate Stretch (Child’s pose)
Standing Cat Stretch
Standing Twist: torso twist w/ hands on hips & hold.
Standing Tree Intermediate: one leg supports most of weight, other is bent w/ knee lift (foot rests on inside of other leg) w/ prayer arms for a hold.

Shoulder Workout “A” (13:56 min.)
Elevation & Depression: shrug shoulders & reverse motion.
Scapula Adduction & Abduction: hands on hips> alternate retracting shoulders/pulling elbows rear & rounding shoulders/elbows come forward.
Inferior Capsule Stretch: similar to overhead single arm triceps stretch
Posterior Capsule Stretch: one arm crosses body at chest level, other hand holds above elbow.
External & Internal Rotation: alternate single arm bend w/ hand placed on back of head & top of hand placed on lower back (elbows pulls rear in both positions).
Shoulder Flexion & Extension (Both arms): alternate sweeping arms overhead, static hold & sweeping arms rear for a hold.
Shoulder Rotation Circles: circles w/ arms extended to front, then w/ arms extended to sides, both directions.
Isometric Abduction & Adduction: single arm bent & extended to front, other hand wraps around outside of elbow to support, bent arm isometric contraction/pushes outward> hand placed on inside of arm & bent arm isometric contraction/pushes inward.
Isometric Horizontal Abduction & Adduction: similar exercise to previous w/ bent elbows at chest level.
Seated in chair
Scapula Weight Bearing: hands are on outside of legs> shift torso to one side & hold.
Scapula Trunk Rotation: both arms extended to front w/ hands clasped together> alternate torso twist w/ arms facing side & hold.
Shoulder flexion: sweep arms overhead, static hold.

Shoulder Workout “B” (12 min.)
Standing Shoulder Flexion & Extension
Standing Shoulder External/Internal Rotation (Abduction): Alternate static hold w/ bent arms extended in front at chest level w/ hands in fists & hold w/ forearms lowered down to center (fists meet).
Range of Motion Exercises, Side to Side & Clockwise/Counter: uses a chair for support> stand w/ bent knee, slight hip hinge, hand on chair> other arm performs arm swing (under other arm & out to side)> clockwise, counter circles w/ arm hanging in front of body.
Range of Motion Exercises, Horizontal Abduction/Adduction: bent legs w/ hip hinge & slight curve in spine> alternate swinging arms in (cross at chest level) & out to sides.
On Floor
Shoulder Self-Stretching Activities (Anterior Glide): supine w/ legs extended & upper body supported on elbows/forearms> shift torso to side & hold> static hold in starting position.
Scapular Exercises (Retraction in External Rotation): supine w/ legs extended, bent arms/hands behind head> pull elbows in (front of head) for static hold & reverse motion.
Range of Motion Exercises, Self-Stretching Activities (Posterior Glide): prone, supported forearms/elbows> torso shift to side & hold> static hold in starting position.
Standing (all bodyweight, performed at slow pace w/ isometric contraction)
Standing Military Press
Standing Forward Raise
Standing Lateral Raise
Standing Towel Stretch for Internal Rotation: bent arms, one placed on lower back, other behind head> alternate slow extension of arms & reversing motion (pretend to hold & pull towel between hands).

