Peak 10 Cardio Interval Burn

Michelle Dozois
Year Released: 2010

Categories: Circuit Training (cardio and weights)

About me- Intermediate exerciser, I have done mostly split heavy weights/cardio in the past I have been trying out more circuit type workouts and high reps training


I really wanted to like this workout, and I like the peak concept, but for me, it seemed to take forever, and I really hated doing a peak once, then having to do it all over again for the other side, I also don't like TIFT-ing, so maybe this was not the best choice for me. I do like Michelle and the production was high quality, music was ok. I did this workout twice and was a sweaty mess, but I can't bring myself to put it back in the DVD player

Instructor Comments:
Michelle seems nice, she does get a little nasal-y during some parts, but not too bad, cuing is good and she is encouraging.

