Low Impact Series: Athletic Training

Cathe Friedrich
Year Released: 2011

Categories: Circuit Training (cardio and weights)

About me- Intermediate exerciser, I have done mostly split heavy weights/cardio in the past I have been trying out more circuit type workouts and high reps training


I quite like Athletic Training, the step drills part in the beginning are not that interesting, but they really work the legs and because the moves are simple, you can really concentrate on your form and keeping low, I also only use 2 risers on my step compared to Cathe's 3 and this is quite a cardio workout for me. After the step drills she moves on to 4 limb type moves using the step and an eight lb weight, for me these weights seem more like they are there for additional cardio rather than any toning, but the section is short and fun, and the balance aspect is nice, it reminds me of a Jillian Michaels type workout in this section. You then move on to doing more traditional type weight moves, by the time I got to biceps my heart rate was back down, but I dont think I could have made it through the rest of the workout if the rest was as hard as the first part. cathe also has a great leg toning section using the firewalker band, which I really enjoy and find really effective as well as working the back using resistance tubing, which I also liked.

currently I am using this workout once a week along with high reps twice a week and cardio, it does have somewhat of a dread factor for me due to the first 10min or so of the step drills, but the rest of it flies by, I would not suggest this as your only weight work for the week, but I can see myself using it for quite a while, it is easy to modify by lowering your step height, or not adding the balance challenge. I also really like the fact that there are not tons of squats, lunges or pushups, and no mountain climbers or burpees. I think this was the first cathe workout I could do all the pushups in the workouts without collapsing:)

Instructor Comments:
Cathe seems really chipper in this workout, and her crew look great, I miss Cedie though! The music is ok, nothing great, but not terrible

