Mind Body Mat Pilates - Intermediate

Hilary Burnett
Year Released: 2005

Categories: Pilates/Core Strength

Lisa has done a wonderful job breaking this video down, so I'll just give my impressions. The set is very harem-like, kind of weird but pleasant to look at. Very different from any other video I've seen. There's a wide variety of exercises on this tape, and I really like that. The exercises flow in a good sequence and I felt that my entire body was getting a good workout.

My main complaint is the speed of the workout: Hilary transitions from move to move so quickly that she is already starting the next exercise before I can even get myself flopped over and set up. The pause button comes in very handy. It also comes in handy because for the first several exercises, she does not allow time to put the head and shoulders back down on the floor and stretch them between exercises; while my abs appreciate the burn of moving quickly from one exercise to the next without rest, I did begin to feel very strained in my neck. Hilary's style of instruction also did not always work for me: "Heat up that taffy"; "Inflate your spine"; "Your torso is an hourglass"--I don't really know what she means when she says these things and no helpful visuals come to my mind. Still, at least she's creative.

The video ends with a really nice stretch.

Instructor Comments:
Hilary's manner is calm, soothing, and pleasant.

