Mind Body Mat Pilates - Advanced

Hilary Burnett
Year Released: 2005

Categories: Pilates/Core Strength

Pilates Advanced is a very challenging work out video - it challenges me, but doesnt discourage me ~ I look forward to running the tape/dvd (i have both)
every day after I come home from work - it gets my heart rate up, I have been amazingly flexible and the tone in my legs and arms are amazing!! Since becoming a virtual pupil of Hilary's in January 2005, my breathing has become more efficient to the point where my snoring has stopped, my strength and endurance has increased, i am more resistant to colds and best yet, I've lost 40 lbs!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!

Instructor Comments:
Hilary's style beats Windsor & Stotts handsdown!! She has a very calming and zen like quality and this method encourages rather than demands. I feel that her encouraging instruction has guided me through her Pilates Basic and subsequent Pilates Intermediate to where I am now eagerly working through the Pilates Advanced on a daily basis!! You're awesome Hilary!

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