Mind Body Mat Pilates - Advanced

Hilary Burnett
Year Released: 2005

Categories: Pilates/Core Strength

After having done Hilary's Mind Body Mat Intermediate Pilates video for 3 months, I decided that it was time to move on to the Advanced one. The Pilates Advanced video is short (20 min.) but not for the faint of heart. There are 16 new additional moves in this video (40 total moves compared to 24 in the Intermed.) PLUS Hilary moves quickly and smoothly from one move to the next. The first couple times through I felt like somehow I had missed something between the Intermed. and the Advanced videos. The Intermed. program moves at a good pace with minimal instructions (the Basic video moves more slow with careful instruction as you learn the 10 fundamental pilates moves)so I guess I expected the same type of instruction of the new moves in this video. While I really enjoy this video, I would love this one more if she slowed down a bit or at least gave some direction on some of the new advanced moves. It almost feels like there should be a video in between the Intermed. and Advanced. After attempting this workout several times, I still am pausing quite a bit. It's definitely a video that leaves plenty of room to grow into. For now, I am still learning, pausing/rewinding and studying my Brooke Siler "Pilates Body" book for tips. Hilary points out in the beginning of the video that this workout program will reduced the repetitions at a quickened pace. You will move quickly through moves so that it becomes one long exercise. She wasn't kidding!!

Here's the full program:

(* are new moves not in the Intermed. Pilates Mind Body Mat

Standing balance pose*




Roll over*

Single Leg Circles

Roll like a Ball

Single Leg Stretch

Double Leg Stretch

Scissors (single straight leg stretch)

Double Leg Lower Lift (double straight leg stretch)

Twist (crisscross)

Spine Stretch

Open Leg Rocker



Swan Dive*

Single Leg kick

Double Leg kick

Neck Pull



Shoulder Bridge

Spine Twist


High Bridge (back bend)*

Side kicks:
front kicks
up kicks
click heels in Pilates V (heel beats)*


Hip Circles


Leg Pull-down*

Leg Pull-up*

Kneeling Sidekicks*


Twist I*

Twist II*





Control Balance*

Pilates Push-up*

Standing Stretches

Hilary recommends doing this advanced program once a week in companion with the Intermed. matwork.

I believe this is probably the ideal tape for the advanced pilates exerciser-I am just NOT there yet. I will keep trying though because I love these videos!

Instructor Comments:
Hilary Burnett is a superb instructor. Her impeccable cuing and form are very inspirational. She encourages you to feel the move and do your best without over-doing it or being sappy. I am compelled to try some of her other videos.

Lisa :o)
