
Eoin Finn
Year Released: 2011

Categories: Yoga

Blissology DVDs: Pose Information

This is a very brief review, and mostly, a breakdown of the practices.

The Blissology Booklet does not have pose info for the dvds, and I found it difficult to locate all the pose information on Eoin’s website. So, I gathered as much info as I could find from the website (and doing the practices), and have put together lists of the poses for each dvd.

Overall impressions of Blissology:
I really enjoy this set. They are my favorite Eoin practices! I have not used them in a rotation, but simply choose one when it suits my needs/mood for the day. I practice yoga daily, and these are great options when I want power/vinyasa yoga. What I like most about these practices is the pace (slower than other Eoin dvds, especially Power Yoga for Happiness 2) and the variety. Each day has a specific focus (front-body stretches aka backbends, side-body stretches aka twists, etc.), which makes these even more versatile if you want to use as a “program” or system.

One note: the Thursday practice is called “Restorative” but this is not true restorative yoga. I would categorize it more as “slow flow.” (I think the name must be a comparison to Eoin’s usual style – it is restorative for Eoin!) With that understanding, it is one of my favorites in this series. There are 4 slow sun salutation variations followed by a substantial standing pose section with quite long holds – this is lovely and can be quite challenging! The practice ends with forward bends held quite a long time – this is the more restorative part of the practice.

Below are the Pose breakdowns for each practice.
Note: Eoin uses mostly sanskrit names - so I have kept those. I've also corrected misspellings. If you aren't sure about the sanskrit names, you can look up most on Yoga Journal's Pose Index. It's a great resource.

***Bliss Monday***
Yoga: All Around
Meditation: Body Based

Full Routine (45 min)
Yoga Quickie (27 min)
[Only this one set of poses given - assuming this is full routine, and quickie is a subset]
Sun Salutation A
Sun Salutation Sea
Warrior 1 Garudasana Arms
Virabhadrasana 2
Trikonasana > Repeat
Vinyasa To Downdog
Kind Arthur Arch
King Arthur Gomukhasana Arms
Deep Pigeon > Repeat
Ardha Matsyendrasana
Sukhasana > Pranayama > Meditation > Savasana

***Bliss Tuesday***
Yoga: Front Body Stretches
Meditation: Energy

Full Routine (55 min)
Sun Salutation A
Fluid Triangle Sun Salutations
Standing Poses 1: warrior I > warrior II > triangle > side angle > half moon to sugar cane > warrior 2 > vinyasa > (repeat other leg)
Vinyasa with three pushups > side plank
Standing Poses 2: high lunge > twisting high lunge > low lunge > low lunge variations
Bow Pose > Camel > One Leg Pigeon Pose
Dancers Pose > Splits > Side Plank Variation
Supine Leg Stretches
Double Pigeon
Simple Seated Pose

Yoga Quickie (34 min)
Sun Salutation A
Standing Poses 1: warrior I > warrior II > triangle > side angle > half moon to sugar cane > warrior 2 > vinyasa > (repeat other leg)
Vinyasa with three pushups > side plank
Standing Poses 2: high lunge > twisting high lunge > low lunge > low lunge variations
Bow Pose > Camel > One Leg Pigeon Pose
Supine Leg Stretches

***Bliss Wednesday***
Yoga: Side Body Stretches
Meditation: Manifesting

Full Routine (43 min)
Ch1 intro
Ch2 sun salutation a
Ch3 sun salutation sea
Ch4 uttanasana variations
Ch5 virabhadrasana 2 > parsvakonasana with shoulder opener >trikonasana with shoulder opener
Ch6 virabhadrasana 2 with gomukhasana arms > padottansana with gomukhasana arms > repeat other side > lunge > parivrtta parsvakonasana> I.T. Love > repeat
Ch7 deep pigeon > repeat
Ch8 ardha matsyendrasana > gomukhasana twist > repeat
Ch9 core cycle – abs – alternate leg twists > jathara parivatanasana > ardha navasana to navasana 3x
Ch10 janu sirsasana twist or ˝ lotus twist
Ch11 pasasana
Ch12 badha konasana > upavishta konasana > parivrtta paschimottanasana
Ch13 savasana

Yoga Quickie (36 Min)
Ch1 intro
Ch2 sun salutation a
Ch3 sun salutation sea
Ch4 uttanasana variations
Ch5 virabhadrasana 2 > parsvakonasana with shoulder opener >trikonasana with shoulder opener
Ch6 virabhadrasana 2 with gomukhasana arms > padottansana with gomukhasana arms > repeat other side > lunge > parivrtta parsvakonasana > i.t. Love > repeat
Ch7 deep pigeon > repeat
Ch8 ardha matsyendrasana > gomukhasana twist > repeat
Ch9 core cycle – abs – alternate leg twists > jathara parivatanasana > ardha navasana to navasana 3x
Ch10 upavishta konasana > parivrtta paschimottanasana
Ch11 savasana

***Bliss Thursday***
Yoga: Restorative
(This practice is “restorative” relative to Eoin’s typical Power Yoga, but it is not a truly “restorative” yoga practice.)
Meditation: 5 Elements

Full Routine (43 min)
Ch1 intro
Ch2 neck stretches/ sun salutation a
Ch3 earth + sky sun salutation
Ch4 trikonasana > parsvottanasana > parivrtta trikonasana > urdhva prasarita eka padasana > repeat
Ch5 parsvakonasana > parivrtta parsvakonasana > repeat
Ch6 padottanasana 1 + 2 (with shoulder opening)
Ch7 utthita hasta padangustasana – vrksasana > repeat
Ch8 salambhasana > ustrasana > balasana
Ch9 deep pigeon
Ch10 paschimottanasana > upavishta konasana >ekapada upavishta konasana
Ch11 savasana > earth sky meditation

Yoga Quickie (35 min)
Ch1 intro
Ch2 neck stretches/ sun salutation a
Ch3 earth + sky sun salutation
Ch4 trikonasana > parsvottanasana > parivrtta trikonasana > urdhva prasarita eka padasana > repeat
Ch5 parsvakonasana > parivrtta parsvakonasana > repeat
Ch6 salambhasana > ustrasana > balasana
Ch7 deep pigeon
Ch8 paschimottanasana > upavishta konasana >ekapada upavishta konasana
Ch9 savasana > earth sky meditation

***Bliss Friday***
Yoga: Strength + Stretch
Meditation: Earth Body

Full Routine (45 min)
Ch1 intro
Ch2 2 sun salutations a
Ch3 2 ultra yang sun salutations
Ch4 warrior 1 arms interlaced> warp speed warrior> virabhadrasana 2 > trikonasana > ardha chandrasana > repeat> alternate arm and leg in plank pose
Ch5 vashistasana
Ch6 padangustasana > utthita hasta padangustasana > side > quad strengthener > virabhadrasana 3 > urdhva prasarita eka padasana > repeat
Ch7 standing pigeon
Ch8 janu sirsasana > parivrtta janu sirsasana > repeat > badha konasana > malasana > bakasana
Ch9 abs and core
Ch10 side forearm plank
Ch11 marichyasana a > marichyasana c > compass > astavakrasana > repeat
Ch12 ustrasana > eka pada rajakapotasana
Ch13 upavishta konasana > double pigeon > sitting
Ch14 savasana

Yoga Quickie (33 min)
Ch1 intro
Ch2 2 sun salutations a
Ch3 2 ultra yang sun salutations
Ch4 warrior 1 arms interlaced> warp speed warrior> virabhadrasana 2 > trikonasana > ardha chandrasana > repeat> alternate arm and leg in plank pose
Ch5 vasisthasana
Ch6 janu sirsasana > parivrtta janu sirsasana > repeat > badha konasana > malasana > bakasana
Ch7 abs and core
Ch8 side forearm plank
Ch9 ustrasana > eka pada rajakapotasana
Ch10 upavishta konasana > double pigeon > sitting
Ch11 savasana

***Bliss Saturday***
Yoga: 'Metta' Yoga + Meditation (27 min)
Meditation: Pranayama

[No poses listed on the website, and this is the only one I haven't done yet!]

