PowerFit Harmony: Core Express

Stephanie Huckabee
Year Released: 2010

Categories: Abs/Core

PowerFit Harmony “Core Express” is a 20 min. workout that consists of core-focused standing and floor exercises. The warm-up & standing exercises in the work portion use a resistance band, the floor exercises are just bodyweight. I liked the warm-up & standing exercises that used the band, and did not really care for the floor exercises, save the side planks. I don’t tend to like supplemental ab/core focused workout, and this one was fine (variety of exercises, good amount reps for each exercise, it did not consist of mostly crunch variations), I just don’t see myself using the entire workout (just the warm-up & standing section). Stephanie has a pleasant personality, and provides good cuing, form pointers & encouraging comments (similar to demeanor in her other PF workouts).

Alternating arm circles, w/ folded band held in both hands> heel lifts> add low arm sweep, torso twist> torso twists only, w/ each rep band is lifted higher (to overhead)> alternating (slow pace) knee lifts w/ band pull-down, reverse motion to overhead arms> (torso) circle around: folded band held by both hands, side bend, torso lowers to floor, then rotates around to other side, and to upright position> repeat sequence (starting w/ knee lifts, work through other side).

Work portion
Standing exercises
Oblique leans (side bend): start w/ band held under one foot, held by same side hand, other hand on hip> lower to side & lift> add arm reach overhead> repeat on other side.

Balance exercise: band held in both hands, hip level> lift one knee up & static hold> lift band to shoulder level> lift band overhead> extend leg to rear & hold> bring knee to front & pull band down to meet, reverse motion> repeat on other side.

Forward bends w/ arm zip(sweep): band held in both hands overhead> hinge at hips, w/ flat back, arm (zip) sweeps to floor (moves close to body), reverse motion> Side bends: band held overhead w/ both arms, alternate side bend, center, side bend> Side bend w/ twist: add a knee lift, stay on one side> repeat sequence (start w/ zips, work through other side).

Spinal rolls (from lowered position of squat)> hold at top for 3 counts> roll to standing position> single arm circles (overhead, side to waist), both sides> arm sweep to front then overhead, reverse motion> arm sweep to side then overhead, reverse motion.

Floor (bodyweight) exercises
Rollbacks: seated on floor w/ bent knees & hands under thighs> lower body to C-curve position of spine & reverse motion (slow pace).

Crunches: lie supine w/ bent knees, hands behind head for center crunch> add arm sweep to lift of exercise> static hold at top, then lower & lift for other reps.

Shoot-outs: lie supine w/ bent knees lifted in air, hands behind head> alternate extending one leg forward> add upper body hold> add upper body twist (opposite arm to leg)> stretch: arms overhead, feet on floor.

Oblique crunches: same position as previous, lower knees to one side for oblique crunches> pulses (3)> repeat sequence> stretch: arms overhead, knees face center> repeat on other side.

Hip lift: lie supine, legs extended in air w/ arms to side, feet flexed> Leg walks: alternate lowering leg w/ pointed feet> repeat sequence> stretch: arms overhead, legs extended on floor.

Side Plank: bottom arm & leg are bent, top arm (held overhead) & leg are straight, static hold> lower & lift body> repeat on other side.

Alternate side bend (seated on heels), then runner’s lunge> repeat on other side.

Spinal rolls> clasp hands w/ arms extended to front w/ tucked chin> chest stretch: place hands on lower back, lift chest> alternate arm sweep/side bend to side> shoulder stretch (one arm crosses in front of body, held by other hand)> clasp hands in back of body & lift arms> clasp hands & extend arms to front> overhead arms w/ inhalation, reverse motion.

