PowerFit Harmony: Sculpt Strong Push

Stephanie Huckabee
Year Released: 2010

Categories: Total Body Workouts

PowerFit Harmony “Strong Push” is a 20 min. total body resistance workout that consists of standing exercises & floor exercises. It is sequenced with bodyweight & weighted exercises that work the chest, triceps, abs & lower body (butt, outer thigh focus) w/ some combination exercises (ex. squat abductions w/ chest press, crunch w/ band arm sweep) & isolated exercise for muscle groups (triceps kickback). I did like the floor exercises in this workout (good variety, most were not in the other PF workouts), but did not care for the standing exercises (felt too similar to the other PF resistance workouts, felt repetitive). And Stephanie does say “Listen Up” and “you only have 20 min.” a lot during the workout, so that was a bit annoying (her chatter was not overkill in the other PF workouts). I use this workout paired w/ others, not as a stand alone workout (though it could work for one).

Overhead arms w/ inhalation, reverse motion.
Alternating side step> add single arm sweep (starts in front, moves out to side)> alternating press step to front> add double arm sweep (front out to side)> alternating step touch> add push down arms (large range of motion bicep curl)> back cross step (foot taps in back)> add triceps press arms> side squat> side squat w/ spinal roll> marches> repeat sequence again> Overhead arms w/ inhalation, reverse motion.

Work portion
Standing exercises
Close squats: band under both feet, held in both hands, narrow stance of feet/legs> static hold in lowered position, then lift & lower to perform other reps> repeat sequence.

Squat abductions w/ chest press: band is around upper back, held w/ both hands> alternating side squats> alternate squat (side leg lift) abduction> add chest press.

Triceps kickbacks: double arm (band held under front foot)> fast pace, alternating arms> repeat sequence.

Squats (bodyweight): Marches> wide stance> squat w/ arm sweep to front> pulses> repeat sequence> marches> overhead arms w/ inhalation, reverse motion.

Alternating stepping lunges: folded band is held in both hands> front lunge, tap, then (other leg) rear lunge, tap w/ arm sweep to front, alternating sides> add knee lift (in place of tap)> add overhead arm sweep> add twist w/ arms & torso to knee/side.

Abductions: band under non-moving leg, other leg abducts to side> static hold in top position, then lower & lift to perform other reps> repeat on other side.

Quadriceps kicks (bodyweight): front kick w/ flexed heel, reverse motion to tap floor> repeat on other side.

Floor exercises
Push-ups: on knees, single reps> slower pace.

Band pushes: body is in quadruped position (on all fours) w/ band held in both hands & looped around one foot> alternate straight leg extension & knee pulls in (to floor)> straight leg lift> repeat on other side.

Chest press: band under upper back, elbows flared out, held w/ both hands> add glute bridge> perform only glute bridge> static hold at top of exercise, then lower & lift to complete reps.

Triceps press: elbows close to waist w/ hammer grip (palms facing each other).

Crunch w/ arm sweep: upper body crunch w/ (almost straight)arm sweep to center> alternate single arm sweep> repeat sequence.

Side planks: bottom leg bent, top is straight, top arm held overhead> static hold in top position> lift & lower> repeat on other side.

Quadricep stretch: from previous (side lying position), both sides> Triceps stretch: seated position (cross-legged) w/ both arms overhead, bent arms to stretch> Chest Stretch: place hands on lower back & open chest> clasp hands in back of body w/ straight arms> overhead arms w/ inhalation, reverse motion.

